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Use Cases

Real world application is at the core of Britannia Coin. Our model, our supported organisations and overall corporate approach as the premier British blockchain, allow us to lay out a summmary of Britannia Coin's use cases:

1) A low cost blockchain fee solution:

In a multi-billion dollar crypto market, competitivity is everything, and Britannia coin’s low cost blockchain fee solution jumps right to the point: the lowest transfer fees put traders first and encourage widespread use.

2.) A real world identity:

Representing British values, Britannia coin is a completely unique crypto with a sophisticated brand identity, acting as a flagship crypto for Brit-coins, or British made cryptocurrency. For an international audience, our coins real world identity sets itself apart: The best of British historic cultural legacy and respected renown, acting together with cutting edge blockchain technology.

3.) Support of charitable organisations:

To demonstrate actions not words, and show the real world work our coin can do, Britannia coin champions charitable causes and foundations. With the example of our contract of support with Hearts of Gold, our coin has an active hand in helping improve the day to day lives of the vulnerable and those most in need. Ultimately Britannia coin demonstrates its real world application most strongly as a vehicle for support for charitable foundations and the right causes.

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